On November 9 we celebrated a major milestone: MARIN model number 10,000 was tested! It is a symbolic number, because actually we have tested many more models. But still it was an important moment to look back and consider the many iconic ships and structures that have been tested in our facilities, such as the Australia 2, Queen Mary 2 and the Troll Gravity Base Structure.
Will we ever reach model number 20,000? I am pretty sure we won’t. In this time of digitalisation
the number of models will only reduce. But they will become more complex and complete. New
optimisation techniques will allow the flexible exploration of completely new areas of design.
So after 10,000 models it is more important to look forward than to look back. Beyond the horizon. There are many challenges ahead of us in the fields of clean, and safe shipping and the sustainable use of the seas. We are happy to share some of these challenges with you in this edition of MARIN Report magazine.
Bas Buchner, President MARIN
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